Workers Comp What Is It

Workers’ compensation insurance, often referred to as workers’ comp, is a type of insurance that provides coverage for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. It is designed to protect both employers and employees by offering financial...

Workers Comp

Workers’ compensation insurance is typically required for any business that has employees. The specific rules and regulations regarding workers’ compensation insurance vary by jurisdiction, but in general, you should consider obtaining coverage under the...

Wind Insurance

Wind insurance, also known as windstorm insurance, typically covers damage caused by strong wind events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and other storms with high winds. The specific coverage provided by wind insurance can vary based on the policy and the insurance...

What Is Liabilty Insurance

Liability insurance is a type of insurance coverage that provides protection against financial loss resulting from legal claims or lawsuits. It is designed to cover the policyholder’s legal obligations when they are found responsible for causing injury or...

Small Business Liability Insurance

Small businesses should consider obtaining liability insurance as soon as they begin operations. It is better to obtain insurance before exposure to potential risks that could lead to lawsuits or financial losses. Liability insurance protects businesses from various...

Replacement Cost vs Actual Cash Value

There is one primary difference between a replacement cost (RCV) insurance policy and an actual cash value (ACV) insurance policy. This difference is how they calculate the value of covered losses, particularly when it comes to property damage. Here’s an...